CDSBEO Week 2021-22
Catholic Social Teachings was brought to life through prayer, lessons, and activities all week
C - Care for God’s Creation
Monday, October 18
D - Dignity of the Human Person
Tuesday, October 19
S - Solidarity
Wednesday, October 20
B - Belonging
Thursday, October 21
E - Equity
Thursday, October 21
O - Option for the Poor
Friday, October 22
Monday - C
The world was beautifully made by God.
What can we do to care for God’s creation?

Tuesday - D
Every human person is made
in the image and likeness of God.
How can we respect the dignity of others?

Wednesday - S
We are all brothers and sisters
in the one family of God.
How can we show our solidarity with others
so that all can share in peace?

Thursday - B and E
We are all loved by God. We all belong here.
How can we open our circle
to include everyone?

Every human being is blessed
in the eyes of God.
How can we ensure that all people
are treated with fairness and respect?

Friday - E
Jesus gave his blessing
to the poor and vulnerable.
What can we do to ensure
that everyone has enough?