About Us » Attendance Procedures

Attendance Procedures

Signing In & Out

  •     Students must sign in and out at the Main Office.
  •     If a student is signing in and they are under the age of 18 they must either have a permission note or phone call from a parent/guardian, for appointments or family-related events.
  •     Please be advised if a student has signed out, they are not allowed to be on school property for safety reasons and to eliminate skipping.
  •     Please note that students who are absent without parental permission are not permitted to participate in any extracurricular activity on that day.


  •    Students with 4 or more unexcused lates or who arrive late after lunch will have a lunchtime detention. This will be tracked through Aspen reporting.


Skipped Classes & Absenteeism

  1.     When a student misses’ class without a legitimate reason and there is no note or phone call from parents/guardians, they will be required to serve a lunchtime detention on Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday.
  2.     Lunchtime detentions will take precedent over any extra-curricular activity.
  3.     If a student skips the lunchtime detention, their parents will be notified. The student will be expected to serve that detention, plus one additional detention. If the student skips either of those detentions, they will not be allowed to return to class until a parent meets with administration.
  4.     In cases of chronic absenteeism, the Student Success team will work closely with the student, Principal/VP, the Behaviour Crisis Counsellor and the parent.

Guidance Appointments

  •    Students who have appointments in Student Services (i.e. counselling, guidance), will be given an Admit Slip before they return to class.

Students will report to Attendance after their appointment. Cindy and Kristine will enter this information in Aspen. Students will present the Admit Slip to their teacher upon their return to class.