Vulnerable Sector Check
Anyone wishing to volunteer in the school or any parents/guardians who wish to supervise school events or trips, or who are willing to help offset busing costs to and from athletic or other extra-curricular events by acting as volunteer drivers for students other than their own child, are required to have an up-to-date (within the past 12 months) Vulnerable Sector Check (VSC) complete. This is free for volunteers and can be accessed using the website below. As part of the application process, volunteers need a letter issued by the school which contains their legal first and last name as it appears on your official ID. Please email [email protected] to request a letter and include your legal first and last names. School staff will then email you the letter required to obtain your VSC using the link below. Thank you for taking the time to help with our school activities and for completing this process to ensure the safety of our students.
Website to apply for a VSC: Ontario Provincial Police - Police Record Checks (
Turnaround time after your application is submitted varies depending on volume, but generally speaking is about 48 hours.
Step 1: email the office (above) with your legal name and request for a VSC letter
Step 2: use the OPP link above to request a VSC online using the letter provided by the office
Step 3: once you have the VSC from the OPP, forward it to the email address above and you're all set for 12 months!
Thanks for helping make our school such an amazing place for our students and staff.