For Parents » Vaping


Unfortunately, today's youth are becoming the trial subjects for the vaping industry. As a relatively new means of ingesting nicotine, the long-term consequences of vaping are still unknown; however, early indication seems to suggest they are entirely negative. Each year, we invite representatives from the LLG Health Unit in to tour the school and visit some classes. Kyle and Chris are both Smoke-Free Ontario Inspectors and shared some information with students about vaping earlier this month. Did you know...
  • a standard 20mg vape cartridge has the same nicotine as about 2-3 packs of smokes, AND many teens report using a cartridge each day?
  • the fine for vaping on school property is $305, and $490 for distributing vape products?
  • at Notre Dame, there is an automatic school suspension for anyone caught vaping or distributing vaping products?
  • recently, the largest uptake in vaping is happening with students around grade 7 and 8?
At Notre Dame, we want to work with students to educate them on the known and unknown hazards of vaping. Kyle and Chris came to educate our high school fitness and gym classes, as well as our entire grade 7/8 division, so that kids are informed of the health and financial consequences of vaping. We encourage families to continue to talk about the dangers of vaping, and to reach out to the school or Health Unit for information about quitting. The Health Unit has set up a dedicated contact email for anyone looking for information about smoking cessation, and they can reached at: [email protected].